Can Fibroids Affect Other Organs?


Fibroids & Other Organs

Did you know fibroids can affect other organs in your body besides the uterus? Fibroids, the most common benign pelvic growth among women between ages 30 -50 has different effects and symptoms for every woman. Some women may not experience any symptoms at all or may not know they have the ailment. Other women may experience a multitude of symptoms that makes it unbearable to go about their daily lives.

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Why Are Black Women Getting Fibroids

How Common are Fibroids?

Did you know that African American women are three times more likely to get fibroids than Caucasian women? Moreover, studies state that between 80-90 percent of black women will get fibroids by the age of 50. This is in comparison to the 20- 70 percent of white women who get them. But why? There is no concrete answer on why black women are pre-dispositioned to this condition. But, let’s examine possible reasons. What are fibroids? What are the symptoms and risks and how do socioeconomic status and genealogy play a role?

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